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Episcopal Church Diocese of Eau Claire Records, 1858-2008

Identifier: University Historical Collection 333

Content Description

The Study of the Parish Cathedral consists of eight maps and two written summaries of findings. The maps, completed in 1950, appear to have been prepared in anticipation of building a parish house. They depict population growth in Eau Claire and parish growth, zoning districts in the parish, locations of other churches in Eau Claire, locations of schools, bus routes, neighborhood concentrations of baptized members and new parishioners, and the proposed... locations for the parish house. The parish never built the parish house. Rather, it built an administrative and classroom building next door to the church in the mid-1950s

The religious census reports, dated 1955, provide summary data on the religious affiliations and church membership of over 10,000 Eau Claire households. A list of names of households indicating “no church preference” supplements the census report. Remarks of those surveyed and number of children at the household was noted on the list. It is unclear whether this census of religion was undertaken only by Christ Church Cathedral, or whether other local churches were involved.

There is a list of Committees and Chairmen from 1949, as well as an Eau Claire County Council Constitution. The Eau Claire Diocese History includes two booklets ranging in dates from 1928-1978 with Diocese History. The diocese contains around 35 churches. There also two Christ Church of Eau Claire histories, dated 1858 – 1958 and 2008.

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  • Creation: 1858-2008


Access Restrictions

Collection is open to the public.

Use Restrictions

Researchers are responsible for using in accordance with 17 U.S.C. Copyright owned by the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire.

Biographical/Historical Note

Christ Church Cathedral traces its roots back to 1858, when Episcopalians in the Eau Claire area began to worship formally at various locations in the community. The parish’s first church was built in 1874, while the current church was constructed from 1910-1916, with a chapel added in 1935. In 1929, Christ Church became the seat of the Diocese of Eau Claire.

The Episcopal Diocese of Eau Claire was established early in 1929. The first resident...
bishop was the Rt. Rev. Frank E. Wilson, rector of Christ Church, Eau Claire, where he was consecrated on May 1, 1929. The diocese comprises of some 35 parishes and missions in northwestern Wisconsin.

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1.6 Linear Feet (1 flat box)

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Records of the Episcopal Church of Eau Claire, ca. 1858-2008. In 1929, Christ Church became the seat of the Episcopal Diocese of Eau Claire. Collection includes church histories, an Eau Claire bicentennial calendar, an Eau Claire County Council Constitution and list of committees and chairmen (1949), and a ca. 1950 parish self-study including maps and written summaries in anticipation of building a parish house. Also includes religious census reports, 1955.

Acquisition Information

Donated to Special Collections & Archives in August 2009 by Christ Church Cathedral, Eau Claire, Wis. Additional items donated in September 2011 by Christ Church Cathedral, Eau Claire, Wis.

Accession Number

10-008, 12-013

Related Materials

UHC 247: Chippewa Valley Church History Collection, 1857-2007

Eau Claire Mss V: Episcopal Church Diocese of Eau Claire Records, 1877-1949

Reference Code


Processing Note

Processed by Colleen McFarland in August 2009. Addition processed by Jennifer Cook in October 2011.

Guinevere Fischer
December 1, 2023
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections and Archives, McIntyre Library, UW-Eau Claire Repository

Special Collections and Archives, McIntyre Library
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
103 Garfield Avenue
Eau Claire WI 54701 United States