Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 443
1953 Amateur Talent Contest (Eau Claire, Wis.) Audio Tape, 1953
A Cappella Choir Collection, 1928-1945
This collection consists of pictures, membership lists, newspaper articles, show programs, and other materials related to the A Cappella Choir during its biggest period of success under the direction of music teacher Clara Mae Ward.
Academic Skills Center Records, 1977-2008
Materials consist primarily of records created by the Academic Skills Center and Andrea Gapko, a previous director, in the day-to-day administration of the Academic Skills Center. These records include annual reports, correspondence, and meeting notes, among other records.
Administrative Services Subdivisions: Directories, Staff Meeting, and Organizational Charts, 1963 - 1985
Papers pertaining to organization and functioning of the Administrative Services Division, and Dr. Larry Schnack, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, committees and task forces.
Adolph Maassen Agricultural Reformers and Farmers’ Union Collection, 1935-1937, 1963, 1966, 1968
Contains interviews with politicians that worked on the Rural Electrification Act (R.E.A.) during the Great Depression as well as notable members of the Farmers’ Union. Also contains notes for Adolph Ralph Maassen’s masters thesis in history, published in 1968, on the growth, development, and effect of the Rural Electrification Act Program in West Central Wisconsin.
Alden R. Carter Papers, 1959-1997
Papers of Alden R. Carter, a Wisconsin writer of young adult fiction and non-fiction, including book proposals, drafts, notes, galley proofs, publicity materials, high school and college term papers, and correspondence with publishers, editors, and agents. Non-fiction topics cover Native American Indian tribes, supercomputers, China, and United States military battles. Videotaped interviews and talks by Carter are also present.
Alex Snyder Iraq War Materials, 2003-2012
Alexander A. Meggett Papers, 1839-1947
Alma Werner Teacher Training Notes, 1915
Alma Werner trained at the Taylor County Training School for Teachers soon after it opened in 1915. The Taylor County Training School for Teachers was founded in 1912 and closed in the 1960s. It trained teachers for elementary education. Alma Werner’s notebook contains material pertaining to different classes, including Civil War history, arithmetic, language, and economics.
Alpha Phi Omega. Eta Lambda Chapter (University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire) Records, 1949 – 2019
Records of the service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega, established at Eau Claire in 1949. They organize social events at the university and their service activities support the American Red Cross, Special Olympics, and the Salvation Army, etc. Records include organization files, membership lists, anniversary materials, photographs, scrapbooks, and artifacts. Includes digital materials.