Local Government Records
Found in 8 Collections and/or Records:
Eau Claire County Clerk (Wis.) Abstracts of Assessment Rolls, 1906-1914
Five abstracts of assessment rolls containing property assessments, acreage planted, crop growth, farm products (production of milk and cheese at creameries, condensing factories), number and value of farm stock animals. Information is organized by town, city, and villages of Eau Claire County, Wisconsin. Dates covered: 1906-1908, 1913-1914.
Eau Claire County (Wis.). Clerk: Assessment Rolls, 1855-1879
Real and personal property assessment records for Eau Claire County showing name of owner, description of land, section, town, and range, number of acres, valuation of real estate, valuation of personal property, total value, amount of state tax, county tax, pauper tax, town tax, county school tax, district tax, and unpaid road tax, collection fee, and the total amount of taxes and fees with remarks where applicable.
Eau Claire County (Wis.). Clerk: Audit Reports, 1928-1984
Audit reports and supporting papers submitted to the Board of Supervisors by public accountants employed by the Board to make the annual audit. Each report contains a statement by the auditor on the condition of the financial records of the county in general, commission or institution, and any errors that were found; and summary financial statements showing the receipts, disbursements, and various funds for the year.
Eau Claire County (Wis.). Clerk: Financial Records, 1867-1966
Eau Claire County (Wis.). Clerk: Proceedings of the County Board, 1857-1960
Proceedings include minutes of Board meetings, committee reports, reports of county officers and commissions, financial reports, and communications to the board.
Eau Claire County (Wis.). Clerk: State Census Agricultural and Manufacturing Schedules, 1885, 1895
Eau Claire County (Wis.). Clerk: State Census Population Schedules, 1885, 1895
Lists compiled by the clerks of various towns, villages, and cities in Eau Claire County. The “Enumeration of Inhabitants” names the head of each household, the aggregate number of household members by sex, and the country of birth. The “Enrollment of Militia” lists “all males fit for military duty between the ages 18 and 45 years.” The “Enumeration of Soldiers and Sailors” lists veterans of the Union armies and navies with their rank, unit, and state for which they fought.