Local Government Records
Subject Source: Local sources
Found in 2 Collections and/or Records:
Eau Claire County (Wis.). Treasurer: Delinquent Tax Records, 1856-1934
Identifier: Eau Claire Series 13-Eau Claire Series 16-Eau Claire Series 17-Eau Claire Series 23
Records of delinquent personal property taxes for Eau Claire County. Includes returns showing name of town, date of tax, name of owner, description of land giving section, town, and range, number of acres, valuation, amount of tax, amount collected, total received by county treasurer, and date of payment; record of tax certificates issued for delinquent taxes showing date of issue, year taxes were delinquent, certificate number, amount of tax, fees, interest, total amount paid, and to whom...
Eau Claire County (Wis.). Treasurer: Tax Rolls, 1864-1890, 1965-1995
Identifier: Eau Claire Series 109
Tax rolls for real and personal property indicating land ownership and providing description of taxable real estate, valuation of each parcel, taxes due, and a record of the payment of taxes. Also includes valuations, taxes due, and taxes paid for personal property in many of the volumes. Tax rolls from 1965-1995 exist for every five years. Tax rolls for the city of Eau Claire are not included in this series. (See Eau Claire Series 15.)
1864-1890, 1965-1995