Guide to the Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra Records, 1976-2012
Content Description
Material collected by the Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra after its founding in 1975. The Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra Collection is arranged into two series: Administrative Files and Board of Directors Files.
Administrative Files include correspondence, reports, program brochures, grant applications, as well as documents containing information on outreach programs such as the Young Artist Competition, the Garden Stroll and Christmas Stroll,... educational outreach, among others. The majority of the material in this series pertains to grant applications, of which financial information as well as the accomplishments of the CVSO are documented. The files are organized according to original order, which is mostly alphabetical with a few outliers. Material in this series ranges from 1983 to 2012, the bulk of which ranges from 1995 to 2011.
Board of Directors Files include material pertaining to Executive Director reports, meeting minutes and material, and season reports. Within these documents there are correspondence, financial information, season programs, and information pertaining to budgets, programs, and fundraising. The files are organized according to original order, with the material in the series ranging from 1976 to 2009, the bulk of which ranges from 1984 to 2004.
- Creation: 1976-2012
- Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra (Organization)
Access Restrictions
Collection is open to the public.
Use Restrictions
Researchers are responsible for using in accordance with 17 U.S.C. Copyright not owned by the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire.
Biographical/Historical Note
The Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra (CVSO) was founded in 1975 by a small group of musicians under the musical direction of Roy Bennet, assistant professor of music at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (UWEC), along with Dale Young, a music instructor at Central Jr. High, as concertmaster. The orchestra was organized and named the Chippewa Valley (Civic) Symphony of Eau Claire, with William Eisenbarth, a music instructor at North High School,... elected as president of the association and chairman of the board. The orchestra was created in the advent of the UWEC symphony becoming an all-student orchestra after moving rehearsal hours to the daytime. The CVSO held their first concert on November 14, 1976 at the Mabel Tainter Theatre in Menomonie, Wisconsin.
In 1978, Music Director Roy Bennet left Eau Claire for a position at Auburn University, Alabama. For the 1978-79 season, guest conductors Ivar Lunde and Donald Patterson, both part of the music department at UWEC, led the orchestra. Following this season, Lunde was elected as musical director of the symphony. With Lunde as the music director, the CVSO grew in membership and number of concerts per season. After nine seasons conducting the orchestra, Lunde stepped down, and in 1988 Dr. Merton Johnson began conducting the orchestra. Dr. Johnson held this position until 1993. In 1993, Nobuyoshi Yasuda became the music director of the CVSO and continues to hold this position as of 2024.
The Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra was headquartered in the State Regional Arts Center from 1988 to 2018. After the closing of the center, they moved their office to Graham Avenue in downtown Eau Claire. The symphony orchestra currently performs at the Pablo Center at the Confluence.
3.2 Linear Feet (8 archives boxes)
Language of Materials
Material collected by the Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra after its founding in 1975 by a small group of musicians under the musical direction of Roy Bennet, assistant professor of music at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, along with Dale Young, a music instructor at Central Jr. High, as concertmaster. Collection consists of correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, program brochures, grant applications, and documents about outreach programs, and various ephemera from the organization. The Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra was headquartered in the State Regional Arts Center from 1988 to 2018. After the closing of the center, they moved their office to Graham Avenue in downtown Eau Claire. The symphony orchestra currently performs at the Pablo Center at the Confluence.
Acquisition Information
Transferred to the University Archives by Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra in January 2024.
Accession Number
Reference Code
Processing Note
Processed by Sabrina Massie in January 2024.
- Bennet, Roy (Person)
- Blaskey, Mark (Person)
- Brenden, Barbara (Person)
- Eisenbarth, William (Person)
- Johnson, Merton (Person)
- Lunde, Ivar (Person)
- Patterson, Donald (Person)
- Yasuda, Nobuyoshi (Person)
- Young, Dale (Person)
- Eau Claire Regional Arts Center (Organization)
- University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (Organization)
- Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra (Organization)
- Pablo Center at the Confluence (Eau Claire, Wis.) (Organization)
- Status
- Published
- Author
- Sabrina Massie
- Date
- March 29, 2024
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections and Archives, McIntyre Library, UW-Eau Claire Repository
Special Collections and Archives, McIntyre Library
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
103 Garfield Avenue
Eau Claire WI 54701 United States