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University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Student Senate Bills, 1967-2020

Identifier: Archives Series 086

Content Description

Physical copies of student senate bills range from 1967-1968 through 2015-2016 academic years, through the 59th session. Digital student senate bills are located in the Digital Asset Preservation Storage: “AS086_StudentSenateBills” collection. Accession folder 23-032 includes files ranging from the 51st session (2007-2008) through the 63rd session (2019-2020). Information about Student Senate session activities is available on the UW-Eau Claire Student... Senate website: Student Senate

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  • Creation: 1967-2020


Access Restrictions

Collection is open to the public.

Use Restrictions

Researchers are responsible for using in accordance with 17 U.S.C. Copyright owned by the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire.

Biographical/Historical Note

The UW-Eau Claire Student Senate represents the best interests of the students at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire by authoring and passing legislation to better improve student life and the overall quality of the University. Some of the first foundations of the organization date back to 1924. The current Student Senate organization that we know today was formed between 1964 and 1966. Student Senate offers advice and opinions to the University... faculty, University of Wisconsin System administration, Eau Claire City Council, as well as the state and federal governments.

The Student Senate has the annual responsibility of allocating funds from segregated fees to organized activities such as Student Legal Services, UW-EC Athletics, Student Health Services, NOTA, SRI and numerous other deserving organizations. In addition, Student Senate Commissions have limited control over other funds within the Information Technology Budget, Differential Tuition, and the Green Fund. The Information Technology Budget controls laptop rentals, general access labs, wireless internet and much more. Differential Tuition funds faculty-student collaborative research, service learning, first year experience classes as well as other quality programs. Student Senate plans events throughout the year including HOUSE Day; Pack it Up, Pass it On; and others. Student Senate also oversees the approval of all new student organizations on campus and appoints students to university committees.

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2 Linear Feet (2 record cartons)

129 Megabytes (622 files, 14 folders)

Language of Materials


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Drafts of bills brought before the UW-Eau Claire Student Senate, such as funding levels for approved student organizations, student health insurance, and other student related issues. Includes digital materials.

Acquisition Information

Transferred to the University Archives by Student Affairs and Student Senate from ca. 1984-2020.

Accession Number

84-117a, 85-50, 86-162, 87-51, 88-91, 89-24, 90-49, 91-63, 92-035, 93-73, 95-102, 96-81, 97-11, 98-14, 99-6, 01-06, 05-21, 06-24, 06-65,08-004, 08-082, 10-016, 11-005, 12-009, 13-003, 23-032

Related Materials

AS084: UW-EC Student Senate minutes and agendas, 1955-2020

AS318: UW-EC Student Senate minutes and agendas of commissions, boards and ad hoc committee, 1963-2004

AS337: UW-EC Student Senate resolutions and motions, 1963-2019

AS338: UW-EC Student Senate Personnel, policies, procedures, 1960-2019

AS339: UW-EC Student Senate correspondence, 1960-1995

AS340: Student Senate and Commissions projects, issues and committee files, 1961-2019

AS341: UW-EC Student Senate budget, 1962-2012

Reference Code


Processing Note

Processed by Valerie Way in May 2008 and updated by Isaiah Frater in September 2013. Digital additions processed by Julie Hatfield June 2023.

Julie Hatfield
April 10, 2024
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections and Archives, McIntyre Library, UW-Eau Claire Repository

Special Collections and Archives, McIntyre Library
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
103 Garfield Avenue
Eau Claire WI 54701 United States