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Subject Source: Local sources
Scope Note: Other Names: Hilltop Center

Found in 3 Collections and/or Records:

University Archives Photograph Collection, 1916-2011

Identifier: Archives Series 279
Summary A collection of over 2000 photographs focusing on the University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire. The collection includes images of university buildings, various campus scenes, athletics, student organizations, student activities, programs and special events, ceremonies, and people (identified and unidentified students, staff, faculty, administrators, dignitaries, and campus visitors). The collection is arranged into eight series: buildings, athletics, student organizations, campus and student...
Dates: 1916-2011

University Archives Slides Collection, 1916-2002

Identifier: Archives Series 105
Summary Photographic slides of University related activities providing a representation of campus life and documenting the photographic work done by the Media Development Center. The Media Development Center provides photographic, audio, videotape, and graphic services to the University community. Topics include faculty teaching, campus scenes, student life, construction of campus buildings, academic buildings, student housing, exterior scenes, Putnam Park, Little Niagara Creek, events on campus,...
Dates: 1916-2002

University Historical Films, 1934-1994

Identifier: Archives Series 599

Reel to reel films documenting various events at the Eau Claire State Teachers College (1927-1951), Wisconsin State College at Eau Claire (1951-1964), Wisconsin State University-Eau Claire (1964-1971), and University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, dating from 1934 to post 1976. Some of these films are available digitally at: University Historical Films

Dates: 1934-1994