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University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Office of Research and Sponsored Programs University Research Publications, 1984-2020

Identifier: Archives Series 415

Content Description

A report of the research and creative activities completed by faculty, academic staff, and graduate students. Works might include articles, books, published research reports, theses, and research papers. Titles include Annual Report on Research, Publications and Creative Achievements; Report on Publications and Creative Achievements; and Report on Publications and other Scholarly Achievements. The Cornerstone, Research News and Notes Newsletter for... 1995-2001 is also included. Physical copies of reports and newsletters range from 1984-2008. Digital copies of reports range from 1987-2020 and are located in the Digital Asset Preservation Storage Collections folder: “AS415_ORSP Report on Publications,” accession folder 23-031. Recent year reports are available on the UW-Eau Claire Office of Research and Sponsored Programs website: Report on Publications

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  • Creation: 1984-2020


Access Restrictions

Collection is open to the public.

Use Restrictions

Researchers are responsible for using in accordance with 17 U.S.C. Copyright owned by the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire.

Biographical/Historical Note

The Report on Publications lists scholarly achievements of UW-Eau Claire Faculty and staff, along with collaborating students. It is always an incomplete compendium because not everyone contributes their work, but it does provide a sense of campus scholarly productivity.

For many years (1987-88 to 2007-08) the Report was generated based on the academic year. In 2010, to simplify determination of which volume to put publications in, it was converted...
to a calendar year basis. The transitional volume of 2008-09 includes 19 months of contributions through December 2009.

Until 2013, the Report on Publications was produced as a hard copy, and included grants received as well as publications and presentations. An index exists spanning that time period. Starting in 2014, in response to budget and staffing cuts, the Report has only been produced as an online version, and formatting consistency was relaxed. In addition, grants, which are extracted from the ORSP database, are presented in a spreadsheet format separate from the rest of the report.

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0.4 Linear Feet (1 archives box)

106 Megabytes (32 files, 1 folder)

Language of Materials


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The Report on Publications lists scholarly achievements of UW-Eau Claire Faculty and staff, along with collaborating students. It is always an incomplete compendium because not everyone contributes their work, but it does provide a sense of campus scholarly productivity. Works might include articles, books, published research reports, theses and research papers. The Cornerstone, Research News and Notes Newsletter for 1995-2001 is also included. Includes digital materials.

Acquisition Information

Transferred to the University Archives by Graduate Studies from 1992-2022.

Accession Number

92-75, 93-89, 94-81, 95-76, 96-64, 00-12, 23-031

Related Materials

AS 222: UW-EC Office of Research and Sponsored Programs funded extramural grant proposals, 1960-2008

AS 302: UW-EC Office of Research and Sponsored Programs grant programs, funded proposals, 1960-2013

Reference Code


Processing Note

Digital materials added to collection June 2023 by Julie Hatfield.

Julie Hatfield
April 11, 2024
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections and Archives, McIntyre Library, UW-Eau Claire Repository

Special Collections and Archives, McIntyre Library
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
103 Garfield Avenue
Eau Claire WI 54701 United States