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McIntyre Library

Subject Source: Local sources
Scope Note: Other Names: W.D. McIntyre Library, William D. McIntyre Library

Found in 10 Collections and/or Records:

Building Dedication Programs Collection, 1916-2014

Identifier: Archives Series 253
Summary Programs, brochures, correspondence and news articles pertaining to dedications of many of the buildings on campus, for the original buildings and additions to buildings. Information pertains to: Allied Health and Clinical Services Center (Human Sciences and Services); Campus School complex (education building, physical education building (Zorn Arena), campus school, Kjer Theatre);W.R. Davies University Center; Ecumenical Religious Center; Haas Fines Arts Center; Hibbard Humanities Hall;...
Dates: 1916-2014

Cornerstones and Time Capsules Collection, 1916, 1951, 1960

Identifier: Archives Series 545
Summary Collection of the contents found within time capsule containers buried in the cornerstones of buildings on the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire campus. Time capsule containers are included for Schofield Hall or “Old Main”, set on October 19, 1916; McIntyre Library, set on February 15, 1960; and The Zorn Arena Complex, set on September 19, 1951. Contents include Eau Claire, WI, and Spectator student newspapers, photographs, college bulletins, course...
Dates: Time Capsule Dates: 1916, 1951, 1960; Materials Date: 1916-2024

Facilities Planning Records, 1981 - 2005

Identifier: Archives Series 595

Files relating to the remodeling, renovations and repairs of buildings and grounds on the University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire campus.

Dates: 1981 - 2005 (Bulk 1990 - 2000)

Media Development Center Negatives, 1916-2005 (bulk 1960-2005)

Identifier: Archives Series 104
Summary The Media Development Center provides photographic, audio, videotape, and graphic services to the University community. In 1955, a faculty member was appointed Director of Audio-Visual Aids to assist the faculty in preparing film orders and evaluating equipment. A full-fledged Audio-Visual Services department existed by the early 1960s and was responsible for audio-visual instruction, equipment purchase and distribution, offset duplicating, production of educational materials, and...
Dates: 1916-2005 (bulk 1960-2005)

University Archives Photograph Collection, 1916-2011

Identifier: Archives Series 279
Summary A collection of over 2000 photographs focusing on the University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire. The collection includes images of university buildings, various campus scenes, athletics, student organizations, student activities, programs and special events, ceremonies, and people (identified and unidentified students, staff, faculty, administrators, dignitaries, and campus visitors). The collection is arranged into eight series: buildings, athletics, student organizations, campus and student...
Dates: 1916-2011

University Archives Slides Collection, 1916-2002

Identifier: Archives Series 105
Summary Photographic slides of University related activities providing a representation of campus life and documenting the photographic work done by the Media Development Center. The Media Development Center provides photographic, audio, videotape, and graphic services to the University community. Topics include faculty teaching, campus scenes, student life, construction of campus buildings, academic buildings, student housing, exterior scenes, Putnam Park, Little Niagara Creek, events on campus,...
Dates: 1916-2002

University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire McIntyre Library Records, 1916-2022

Identifier: Archives Series 092

Annual reports, newsletters, budgets, directors’ subject files, and accession and circulation records from the McIntyre Library at the University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire.

Dates: 1916-2022

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Office of the Vice Chancellor Associate Vice Chancellor subunits-administration files, 1970-2000

Identifier: Archives Series 436

Subunit administration files (1971-2000) split by subunit and then subject, and General Studies Committee (1970-1977) listing of courses submitted by departments.

Dates: 1970-2000

University Publications Collection, 1988-2007

Identifier: Archives Series 601

Contact sheets, photographs, CDs, and projector slides used by UW-Eau Claire’s publications office for design purposes in University Communications publications such as the Viewbook, department brochures, theatre brochures, and The View alumni magazine, from 1988-2007. Subjects include sports, music, campus scenes, university departments, housing, faculty and administration, students, commencement, alumni publications, freshmen orientation, buildings, and events.

Dates: 1988-2007

William D. McIntyre Family Papers, 1897-2005

Identifier: University Historical Collection 276

Personal and family papers, business papers, and photographs of William D. McIntyre (1897-1973), Eau Claire businessman and member of the Board of Regents of State Normal Schools and State Colleges from 1945 to 1965. McIntyre was involved in local, state, and national politics, local and national organizations, and was known as "Mr. Higher Education in Wisconsin." The UW-Eau Claire campus library is named after McIntyre.

Dates: 1897-2005