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University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire--Students

Subject Source: Local sources

Found in 16 Collections and/or Records:

American Minority Student Leadership Conference Proceedings, 1984-1986

Identifier: University Historical Collection 282

Booklets of conference proceedings for the American Minority Student Leadership Conference, held at UW-Stout, UW-Eau Claire, and UW-La Crosse, from 1984-1986. Booklets consist of papers given by minority students in the University of Wisconsin system regarding their experiences as students, athletes, and participants in the University of Wisconsin community.

Dates: 1984-1986

Centennial Oral History Collection, 2012-2013

Identifier: University Historical Collection 347

Oral history interviews conducted by students and staff, prior to the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire's Centennial in 2016. The interviews cover a wide range of topics related to the history of the school. Includes digital materials.

Dates: 2012-2013

Eau Queer Film Festival Collection, 2010-2022

Identifier: Archives Series 611
Summary The Eau Queer Film Festival was a festival held at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire from 2010-2018. The festival rebranded as freaQweek in 2019, and as Q-Fest in 2022. The festival highlights LGBTQ+ created films. Each year, students and faculty travel to San Francisco, California, on a Domestic Intercultural Immersion Program trip during the summer, for the Frameline International LGBTQ+ Film Festival to choose which films to bring back to UW-Eau Claire for the film festival held...
Dates: 2010-2022

Media Development Center Negatives, 1916-2005 (bulk 1960-2005)

Identifier: Archives Series 104
Summary The Media Development Center provides photographic, audio, videotape, and graphic services to the University community. In 1955, a faculty member was appointed Director of Audio-Visual Aids to assist the faculty in preparing film orders and evaluating equipment. A full-fledged Audio-Visual Services department existed by the early 1960s and was responsible for audio-visual instruction, equipment purchase and distribution, offset duplicating, production of educational materials, and...
Dates: 1916-2005 (bulk 1960-2005)

Pomp & Circumstance Commencement Kit, 1980

Identifier: Archives Series 167

Kit containing a UW-Eau Claire board game, memorabilia from UW-Eau Claire, Water Street businesses, and Eau Claire area, cartoons, and spoof publications for graduating UW-Eau Claire seniors in spring of 1980.

Dates: 1980

The Periscope Supplements, 1963-1972, 1975

Identifier: Archives Series 131

The Periscope Supplements are smaller yearbooks that supplement the annual university yearbook the Periscope, during the years 1963 – 1972, 1975. The supplements provide information and photographs of end of spring semester, and into summer, school year activities, sports, commencement photographs, and campus projects and new campus buildings, as these events would not typically be featured in the annual Periscope.

Dates: 1963-1972, 1975

University Archives Photograph Collection, 1916-2011

Identifier: Archives Series 279
Summary A collection of over 2000 photographs focusing on the University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire. The collection includes images of university buildings, various campus scenes, athletics, student organizations, student activities, programs and special events, ceremonies, and people (identified and unidentified students, staff, faculty, administrators, dignitaries, and campus visitors). The collection is arranged into eight series: buildings, athletics, student organizations, campus and student...
Dates: 1916-2011

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Gay and Lesbian Oral History Project, 2013-2014

Identifier: University Historical Collection 351

An oral history collection concerning the LGBT student organizations on the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire campus. Melissa Schultz conducted oral histories of alumni, faculty, and staff from November 2013 to January 2014. The collection includes other materials ranging from 1992-2017 of news releases, newspaper articles, artifacts, biographies, promotional material related to the LGBT history on campus, and a master’s thesis by Melissa Schultz.

Dates: Project Date: 2013-2014; Materials Date: 1992-2017

University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire News Bureau Subject Files, 1960-2012

Identifier: Archives Series 521
Summary Subject files providing historical information about the University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire, created by the News Bureau which directs the University's news program, prepares news releases, edits University publications and coordinates University relations with the media. The files provide helpful historical background information on campus buildings and construction projects, university schools and academic departments, campus activities and events, university symbols and icons, and faculty...
Dates: 1960-2012

University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Office of the Chancellor Correspondence and Subject File, 1936-2014

Identifier: Archives Series 001
Summary University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Office of the Chancellor's (and previously the President's) correspondence and subject files covering all aspects of the university including instruction, Board of Regents, building program, gifts and grants, accreditation, and student affairs. Although the series dates from 1936 and is therefore incomplete, it includes material from every President's/Chancellor's administration at the University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. Besides documenting the routine...
Dates: 1936-2014